a newbie in trouble
Rowland McDonnell
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 20:50:14 +0100
At 7:24 PM +0000 27/3/2002, rfuck@mines.edu wrote:
>Hi all,
> I am trying to install Adobe Caslon font from only their original AFM files.
>I've used fontinst to get the corresponding tfm and vf and fd files. Later I
>realized I did know how to construct the map file for the font to be
>by dvips or pdftex.
>I then used the finstmsc.sty to try to create a scratch for the map file, but
>TeX did not recognized many of the commands like \transformfont etc. So I
>some questions:
>1) Do I need to actually have the pfb files for Adobe Caslon to actually
>see it
>displayed in DVI or Ps and pdf files?
>2) what is wrong with finstmsc.sty?
No idea.
>3) how do I write the lines for the map file for the expert and OsF+SC fonts,
>meaning which kind of enconding do I attribute to them?8r.enc?
The actual expert founts need lines looking something like:
padr8x AGaramondExp-Regular <padr8x.pfb
padri8x AGaramondExp-Italic <padri8x.pfb
pads8x AGaramondExp-Semibold <pads8x.pfb
padsi8x AGaramondExp-SemiboldItalic <padsi8x.pfb
padb8x AGaramondExp-Bold <padb8x.pfb
padbi8x AGaramondExp-BoldItalic <padbi8x.pfb
that is, no re-encoding is needed. I take it that you know you can find
out the PS font name (second column in the dvips/pdftex map file entry) by
looking for the FontName entry in the afm file?
>4) I am using MikTeX latest version: does it support vf files?