[Fontinst] letterspacing
Walter Schmidt
Walter Schmidt" <w-a-schmidt@arcor.de
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 01:09:54 +0100 (MEZ)
On Tue, 31 Dec 2002 01:00:02 +0100 (MEZ), Walter Schmidt wrote:
>>| \installfont{pegr9d}{pegr8r,unsetnum,kernoff,flir8r,pegrc8r,kernon,latin}{t1}
>>| {T1}{pegj}{m}{n}{}
>Here you are making a virtual font (see above!), so _this_ is
>the right place to use 8r.olli.
Reading my own posting, I realize my sloppy wording :-(
I meant: This is the right place to use an encoding file
t1-olli.etx, which is a copy of t1.etx with
added. Then say: