[Fontinst] Ornaments

Philipp Lehman lehman@gmx.net
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:36:46 +0100

On Tuesday 28 January 2003 04:50, Adrian Heathcote wrote:

> I'm doing an install of Adobe Caslon at the moment, and trying to
> install the ornaments in the font. There are quite a number of them
> so i decided to put them in a separate virtual font. They don't
> need reencoding, but I'm not sure how the fontinst file should go.

> My question is: are the encoding vectors, ot1 and t1, needed here?
> Do they do anything at all?

No, not really. Ornament fonts use highly font specific encodings.

> Also, I guess: is there a better way of going about this in
> general? I don't need to put the ornaments in with the standard
> roman glyphs.

Here's what I'd do:

afm2tfm pacrp.afm pacrp.tfm

Write upacp.fd file manually:

\DeclareFontShape{U}{pacp}{m}{n} {<-> pacrp}{}

Then use low-level commands like:


or put some higher level interface in acaslon.sty.


Philipp Lehman  <lehman@gmx.net>