[Fontinst] fontinst'ing type1 on miktex : next problem

Lars Hellström Lars.Hellstrom at math.umu.se
Fri May 30 15:24:37 CEST 2003

At 00.49 +0200 2003-05-30, steven schkolne wrote:
>>1. Somehow your initial problems gave you a bunch of corrupt MTX files.
>>Delete all pbh*.mtx and pbh*.pl, then try again and see if things are
>hi lars, thanks so much for your help -- turns out that solution #1
>above did the trick.... i just had to delete these, fiddle with a few
>dozen other things and it worked!


>i am now running into another problem..... i seem to have made all the
>.fd, .tfm, .vpl, .pl, , and .vf files correctly.... now the next problem
>is when i actually _use_ the fonts.  this may or may not have anything
>to do with fontinst.....
>my document:
>> \documentclass[twoside]{report} \begin{document}
>> \fontfamily{pbh} \selectfont text here text here text here
>> \end{document}
>> (ot1pbh.fd)
>> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/pbh/m/n' undefined
>> (Font)              using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 3.
>> [1{psfonts.map}{bau.map}] (fontest.aux)
>> LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults
>> substituted.
>>  )<cmr10.pfb>
>> Output written on fontest.pdf (1 page, 4939 bytes).
>> Transcript written on fontest.log.
>so it is clearly findint ot1pbh.fd.... i only have one of these on my
>drive, in texmf\tex\latex\adobe\bauhaus\, and it looks like this:
>i really think this should find OT1/pbh/m/n/ in the list at the
>bottom.... but because i didn't trust the sub, i changed my latex to
>look like this:
>> \fontfamily{pbh} \fontseries{l} \selectfont text here text here text here
>after which i get this error --
>> LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/pbh/l/n' undefined
>> (Font)              using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 3.
>any idea what is going on here?

I have no idea! It certainly looks like the FD is loaded, that should
define the fonts for LaTeX, and yet LaTeX doesn't recognise the font
family. Very mysterious, but probably not a fontinst error.

One thing you could try is to copy the contents of the FD to the preamble
of your test file. If that still doesn't help, then you've at least got
explicit code to start tracing. Another thing you can do is to read through
the log file. The \ProvidesFile in ot1pbh.fd should write a line there
which should let you confirm that the right file is loaded. It might also
provide more detailed information on what is going wrong with LaTeX's font

Lars Hellström

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