[Fontinst] Installation of Garamond Condensed
Philipp Lehman
lehman at gmx.net
Sat Oct 18 19:34:53 CEST 2003
Nachricht von Sebastian Ahrens am Freitag, 17. Oktober 2003 17:59:
> I am busy with installing the ITC Garamond Std Condensed and after
> trying to get fontinst to do what I want it to do it worked. My
> only problem is that I am not able to use the font under LaTeX by
> selecting the appropriate *.sty file and instead cmr is used with
> no error log at all. But if I explicitly tell LaTeX to use the font
> (\font\myfont=pgml8t at 12pt) it all works well.
So it's a problem with the Latex part of your setup.
> I tried really
> hard but I don't have a clue where the problem is. As far as I see
> are all names resolved correctly and finally there is a *.map file
> pointing to the right pfb files. Now if some of you out there could
> give some help I would really appreciate that.
Can you post your test and log file as well?
Here's a shot in the dark:
> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1998/06/01]
> \ProvidesPackage{garacond}
> [2003/10/13 Garamond Condensed font package]
> \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}
(actually, this is the default value of \familydefault)
> \newcommand{\pgm}{\fontfamily{pgm}\selectfont}
Do you happen to type "\pgm" in the preamble? Latex does all the font
setup at \begin{document}, so it would overide this. That's why you'd
normally use something like this in a style file:
Philipp Lehman <lehman at gmx.net>
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