[Fontinst] Trouble Shooting

Lars Hellström Lars.Hellstrom at residenset.net
Thu Sep 6 11:08:18 CEST 2007

6 sep 2007 kl. 03.20 skrev Jonathan Townes:

> Hello,
> I've just begun reading 'The Font Installation Guide' by Phillipp
> Lehman and have been successful with the first tutorial.
> However, I'm stuck with a TeX error in the second tutorial. I've
> tried to carefully follow the tutuorial.
> This is the error message I receive whn processing my fontinst file:
> ! Transformfont error:
>          Failed to make transformed font psbro8r;
> ! Transformfont error:
>          Failed to make transformed font psbbo8r;
>          source font metrics file not found.
> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
> \generic_error ...turn> \space for immediate help}
>                                                    \endgroup
> \transformfont ...cs file not found}\error_help_a
>                                                    \fi }
> l.12 ...slant}}\reencodefont{8r}{fromafm{psbb8a}}}

Note the lack of backslash in that \fromafm; I suspect this is all 
that's wrong. (Since there wasn't a valid source for the font transform 
in there, only text, \transformfont had to complain.)

For future troubleshooting, it might be interesting to note that TeX 
probably generated .dvi output on that fontinst run, which it normally 
shouldn't. In this case that .dvi probably reads "fromafmpsbb8a", which 
is an indication that these characters are being misinterpreted as text 
to typeset.

Lars Hellström

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