[Fontinst] \resetslot in multislot.sty would be nice to have working

Reuben Thomas rrt at sc3d.org
Wed Aug 7 00:16:19 CEST 2013

On 6 August 2013 10:15, Lars Hellström <Lars.Hellstrom at residenset.net>wrote:

> After having RTFS'ed vptovf, I can tell you that the above (without
> multislot) rather has the effect of replacing than the effect of adding to.
> If t1.etx for example goes
> \nextslot{102}
> \setslot{f}
>   \ligature{LIG}{f}{ff}
>   \ligature{LIG}{i}{fi}
>   \ligature{LIG}{l}{fl}
> \endsetslot
> and you later say
> \nextslot{102}
> \setslot{f}
>   \ligature{LIG}{longs}{f_longs}
> \endsetslot
> then without multislot.sty, the only ligature that takes effect is the
> f*longs->f_longs one.

Aha! I was relying on the INPUT!

> In my experience, more people have a working diff utility than have a
> working patch utility,

It's the second decade of the 21st century. If you don't have a working
patch, you probably have a weird old system. (Unless you know otherwise?
Seriously, which reasonably up-to-date system doesn't have a working patch?)

Not that it matters much, considering that I have above established that
> multislot.sty actually will suffice for what you want to do.

Apologies if I'm being stupid, but I believe you've demonstrated the
opposite: that I can't get what I want either with or without
multislot.sty, and therefore I have to patch t1.etx. (I was assuming what I
saw in the .vpl was being translated to the .vf, but you've shown it

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