[metapost] Previewing an SVG generated by METAPOST

Daniel H. Luecking luecking at uark.edu
Fri May 10 23:03:14 CEST 2019

I actually performed the adjustment I suggested: I added

(0.25,0.87) to all the coordinates in the path definition

in the SVG file. The result was no longer clipped at the top.

I also tested shifting the viewBox: subtracting (0.25,0.87)

from both its coordinates. This also was no longer clipped.

Caveat: My only SVG viewer is Internet Explorer.



Daniel H. Luecking [luecking at uark.edu]
Department of Mathematical Sciences
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR, USA 72701-1201

From: metapost <metapost-bounces+luecking=uark.edu at tug.org> on behalf of Daniel H. Luecking <luecking at uark.edu>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 2:15 PM
To: William Adams; luigi scarso
Cc: MetaPost List
Subject: Re: [metapost] Previewing an SVG generated by METAPOST

This is not true in MetaPost's postscript output, and the

BoundingBox in EPS and SVG are the same to 5 decimals.

It seems to me that the path definition in SVG draws the path

almost a point higher than it ought to be. This is assuming

that in

   viewBox="0 0 63.410065 91.206802"

the coordinates are supposed to represent the ulcorner

and lrcorner of the picture. If that is the case, the initial

moveto should be 0.25 90.87 (approx.) instead of 0.0 90.0

(with corresponding adjustments to other points in the path)

so that the strokes (thickness and all) exactly fit in the


Seems like a bug to me, but I have only a vague idea of the

SVG format and how it is supposed to be dislayed.



Daniel H. Luecking [luecking at uark.edu]
Department of Mathematical Sciences
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR, USA 72701-1201

From: metapost <metapost-bounces+luecking=uark.edu at tug.org> on behalf of William Adams <will.adams at frycomm.com>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 8:51 AM
To: luigi scarso
Cc: MetaPost List
Subject: Re: [metapost] Previewing an SVG generated by METAPOST

I believe that what I should conclude is that the extent of a graphic is only calculated from the centerline of a graphic and that the clipping is to be expected if I don't explicitly adjust for it.

Thanks! I'll begin to do so.


On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 9:47 AM luigi scarso <luigi.scarso at gmail.com<mailto:luigi.scarso at gmail.com>> wrote:

On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 9:13 PM William Adams <will.adams at frycomm.com<mailto:will.adams at frycomm.com>> wrote:

With v1.8, METAPOST allows one to create an SVG --- unfortunately, there aren't any TeX / code editors which have SVG previewers as far as I can tell.



but it seems to be broken in Windows 10 --- one has to switch to its window and press F5 --- is there an updated version of this program, or some other easy way to preview an SVG?

An application with nice tools for this would be welcome.

BTW, the file:

outputtemplate := "%j-%c.svg"; prologues := 3; outputformat := "svg"; beginfig(1); z0 = (0,0); z1 = (60,40); z2 = (40,90); z3 = (10,70); z4 = (30,45); draw z0..z1..z2..z3--z4--cycle endfig; end

is clipped at the top --- should it be?


the pen ?

prologues := 3;
outputformat := "svg";
z0 = (0,0); z1 = (60,40);
z2 = (40,90); z3 = (10,70);
z4 = (30,45);

draw z0..z1..z2..z3--z4--cycle withpen pencircle scaled 0.001pt;

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