[metapost] Original Euler sources

Laurence Finston Laurence.Finston at gmx.de
Sat Jan 1 03:11:59 CET 2022

For a current project I was looking for the MF sources for the Euler fonts (see attached tarball).  As I discovered, they weren't so easy to find.  I finally recovered them from an archived TexLive distribution.

In order to spare anyone else the trouble of searching and after confirming with Karl Berry that it would be okay to do this, I've now renamed the files and have checked them into the git repository at Savannah for GNU 3DLDF:  https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/3dldf.git/tree/fonts/source/public/ams/euler

Just for getting the outlines I haven't needed to modify the sources but rather I just used MP's "glyph" primitive.  However, for anything requiring the fontdimens it would probably be easier to use the MF sources.

There doesn't appear to be a mailing list dedicated to MF so I'm posting this here (and at comp.text.tex).

Happy New Year to everyone!

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