[tex-k] Twiki is broken; sorry . . . let's use tex-k list if that's okay.
Tomas G. Rokicki
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 08:31:47 -0800 (PST)
Personally, I still prefer an integrated source to separate driver
development. Now these are not mutually exclusive, of course, but
I've experienced Karl's issue about build (and more about install)
many many times, both first-hand and third-hand (through support
emails) so for that reason I much prefer a total integration of
everything and no separate build or download. I get a lot of
questions from people asking how to install dvips who don't even
know what TeX is (!) and more from people who need a lot of
hand-holding to get it to install correctly.
I also see a separate build as being a fair bit of work to get
right, and I am always looking for the short-term solution. :-)
I think an integrated source tree based on perforce or CVS, from
which people can pull tarballs or whatnot as needed, and intelligent
use of branching, is attainable in the short term.