[tex-k] kpathsea: Suppression of warnings about \special commands

Paul Vojta vojta at Math.Berkeley.EDU
Wed Jul 4 02:07:47 CEST 2007

On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 11:09:16PM +0200, Joachim Schrod wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to get a feeling for the common view on that directive's
> intent. What would you prefer:
>  1) only warnings about unknown specials are suppressed and
>     warnings about problems in recognized specials are still issued,

I agree generally with the decision to follow this path, but it should
be noted that sometimes a driver (I'm more familiar with dvips than
dvilk) will believe that it recognizes a special such as
"xdvi:!(/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm/cmmi7.pfb)" (by flagging
a bunch of unrecognized keywords) when in fact it doesn't.  In case you're

<feature request :-)>
  xdvi allows specials to have a program-name: prefix, which causes
  xdvi to process specials beginning with "xdvi:" but ignore specials
  beginning with "dvips:", etc.
</feature request :-)>

--Paul Vojta, vojta at math.berkeley.edu

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