[tex-k] fmtutil --noformaterror

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Sat Jul 3 01:00:49 CEST 2010

        $ fmtutil --byfmt foobar_not_defined_format
        $ echo $?

Yes, that silence always bothered me.  I think it should output a message:
fmtutil: doing nothing, no such format: foobar_not_defined_format

	$ fmtutil-sys --noformaterror --byengine ptex
	fmtutil: no format depends on engine `ptex'.
	$ echo $?

That looks fine to me as far as functionality, but please
1) put the help line after --no-engine-subdir, and
2) change the option name to --no-error-if-no-format.
   (Can't think of anything shorter that is descriptively accurate.)

  --no-error-if-no-format    exit successfully if no format is selected

Thanks much,

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