[tex-k] Is there a way to find the error line?

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Mon May 20 22:35:39 CEST 2024


    Subject: Re: [tex-k] Is there a way to find the error line?

I'm not sure what message you're replying to.

    I get the same problem, but don't know which source file to modify
    and how to fix it, I've created an issue#200 at XeTeX's home page,

Looking at https://sourceforge.net/p/xetex/bugs/200/, this seems
Ubuntu-specific. You need to ask them to figure out the harfbuzz
versions needed.  For upstream TL, we are currently compiling xetex with
harfbuzz 8.5.0.  Harfbuzz 1.4.x was released in 2017.

The tex-common.postinst script is likewise Ubuntu-specific.

I know that the hb_graphite2_font_get_gr_font fn is "deprecated"
(painfully), but it is still provided in the library. Therefore we
haven't changed the code (a patch would be welcome; I don't know what
would be involved). If Ubuntu is explicitly compiling harfbuzz without
including deprecated functions, well, all I can say is, that causes
unnecessary trouble.

Hope this helps,

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