Installation instructions

Joseph Wright joseph at
Fri Jun 7 14:28:19 CEST 2024

On 07/06/2024 13:23, Markus Kohm via tex-live wrote:
> Am Freitag, 7. Juni 2024, 13:31:22 MESZ schrieb David Carlisle:
>> I've only ever used a command line installer, multiple screenshots of
>> graphical installers seems to make it look far more complicated than it is,
>> but perhaps that's just me.
> Indeed. IMHO installing TeX Live on a fresh new Windows computer in a home
> netzwork using the online installer is very uncomplicated. And indeed do not
> really need a lot of screenshots of the graphical installer.
> If a typical user first tries to absolutely harden his Windows computer against
> all kinds of attacks and only then installs TeX Live, this looks quite
> different, but is not really caused by the online installer.
> The greatest difficulties are to be expected if a simple user tries to install
> on his domain-managed company computer in the administered company network.
> But again this cannot be blamed on the online installer.
> But all such problems are very individual. So I've stopped to tell people my
> own installation story. Instead I tell them, that they should do the default
> installation and read all messages carefully. If they have a problem, they
> should make screenshots or if possible copy messages from the terminal window
> and ask their individual questions.
> Just my 2 cent.
> Markus

Agreed. For many people using Overleaf or similar is ;enough' as it is,
and the GUI works very smoothly both on Windows and macOS (where MacTeX
really doesn't need any major instructions at all); I've not tried on Linux.


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