[tlmgr] Use of uninitialized value $founddesc

Yukai Chou muzimuzhi at gmail.com
Wed May 15 13:35:10 CEST 2024


Today after I mistakenly ran "tlmgr info mnsymbols" (the package name
should be "mnsymbol", no trailing "s"), I got

$ tlmgr info mnsymbols
tlmgr: cannot find package mnsymbols, searching for other matches:

Packages containing `mnsymbols' in their title/description:
Use of uninitialized value $founddesc in print at /Library/TeX/texbin/tlmgr
line 4333.

Packages containing files matching `mnsymbols':

>From relevant lines in tlmgr.pl [1], it seems some guards are needed in

## lines 4329 to 4335
      # we didn't find a package like this, so use search
      info("$prg: cannot find package $pkg, searching for other
      my ($foundfile, $founddesc) = search_tlpdb($remotetlpdb,$pkg,1,1,0);
      print "\nPackages containing \`$pkg\' in their title/description:\n";
      print $founddesc;
      print "\nPackages containing files matching \`$pkg\':\n";
      print $foundfile;


best regards,
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