Line lengths with polyglossia in Cantonese and Japanese ?

Werner LEMBERG wl at
Fri May 31 05:42:09 CEST 2024

> Meanwhile, I was updating details for L/C/G Sans languages and got
> increasingly annoyed at lines overflowing.

This shouldn't happen at all.  On the other hand, without any coding
example showed by you, it is hard to discuss the issue at all...

> Cantonese: needs the language to display the punctuation as raised,
> but produces a single line which probably extends past the edge of
> the PDF.

Again, this shouldn't happen at all.  With a proper package that
supports CJKV scripts – I think that Polyglossia is not powerful
enough for that – overflow should be avoided just fine.

Background for CJKV languages: It is the job of the typesetting engine
to analyze the input characters and input soft line breaks, together
with some very small stretchable space, between all characters except
where this is not allowed (for example, right before punctuation


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