[tex4ht] memoir + hyperref + secnumdepth bug

Alex Ball a.ball at ukoln.ac.uk
Wed Jan 26 15:54:05 CET 2011

I have run into another bug. This one appears to be a problem with how memoir 
+ hyperref deal with section headings that are below the numbering threshold 
as set by secnumdepth.

Minimal example (call it test.tex):
Hello World
Hello World

Running htlatex test.tex fails with the error:
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \Hy at MakeCurrentHrefAuto 
                                   {section*}\setlength {\Hy at SectionHShift 
l.5 \subsubsection{Unnumbered}

Note that the file compiles without issue if:
* book is used in place of memoir; or
* \section* is used instead of \subsubsection; or
* \setsecnumdepth{subsubsection} is added to the preamble.


Alex Ball
Research Officer
UKOLN, University of Bath, UK. BA2 7AY
T: +44 1225 383668  F: +44 1225 386838

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