[tex4ht] [bug #303] tex4ht ignores extension of HTML when using showframe option in geometry pacakge
Michal Hoftich
michal.h21 at gmail.com
Mon May 23 13:09:00 CEST 2016
Follow-up Comment #1, bug #303 (project tex4ht):
I am not sure how extension changing works, but I suspect that it is possible
to change the extension only before any output is written. So if you want to
change the extension in the .cfg file, it needs to be done at the very
I think the problem is that the showframe option writes a frame around the
page before any other output, so tex4ht ignores the request to change the
There is also another problem, lines are drawn before every page in the dvi
file, as Geometry tries to draw the frame around pages.
As a fix, we can create minimal geometry.4ht file:
\renewcommand*{\Gm at pageframes}{}
this configuration removes command used for drawing the frame. Patch for
literate sources is attached.
(file #236)
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