Some thoughts on a ground-up remake of LaTeX

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at
Sat Nov 6 18:22:01 CET 2021

On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 9:22 AM David Carlisle <d.p.carlisle at>

> with a standard UK keyboard for example, it's much easier to type \’a
> and --- than á  and  —
> David

Not by any stretch of the definition of the term "ergonomically difficult":
\'a requires 3 keystrokes, á requires 2, on the standard UK keyboard. On an
absolute majority of keyboard types - it is just 1 keystroke.

There will always be a need for pidgin-codes for entering special
characters like ---, after all, the keyboard of the Linotype was a lot
bigger than a normal modern keyboard, but there is no need for any special
input for accented letters -- this has been completely resolved by
standardization of keyboards.

Paulo Ney
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