latex and mathematica- is it easy to export from mathematic to latex without retyping anything?

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Tue Nov 22 18:05:48 CET 2022

I got tired of doing algebra and looking for typo's and
was curious about Mathematica. Do people just do all the
math in mathematica and then export to latex docs for papers etc?
Or do you end up having to re-type anything?

I had a few specific things I wanted to do and a bunch of c++
code so I started to write my own expression handling
stuff. It looks like I can make it work and eventually it could be
extended to probably do what mathematica does-
after toobib I have gotten used to large collections of
ad hoc "algorithms" lol. It may just be easier to
buy mathematica however. The only possible benefit was that
I could adapt it to  other "languages" maybe including
chemistry or something.


 Mike Marchywka 
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
was 306 Charles Cox Drive  Canton, GA 30115

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