another adventure in bibtex extraction ( too odd to pass up lol )

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Wed Jan 4 02:24:57 CET 2023

The zoterro web form errored on this and so did TooBib a first,

If you look closely it appears to have been url encoded a few
too many times. Modifying TooBib, it seems to have worked lol.
Note that the handler comment indicates two decode loops
needed to find the doi, fwiw, 

 toobib -local -clip
toobib set to ../toobib/toobib.out -devel
mjm>clip xxxx
./toobib.h548  cmd=clip p1=xxxx p2= flags=18 x.flag_to_string(flags,0)=show_trial paste_citation 
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h992  uin= dest=xxxx flags=18
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1166 % mjmhandler: toobib handledoilink(idiourl,  decodes=2)(crossref)
% date 2023-01-03:20:18:14 Tue Jan 3 20:18:14 EST 2023
% srcurl:
% citeurl:
X_TooBib = {date: 09/01/2014},
X_TooBib = {year: 2014,  infield_fix_dates },
X_TooBib = {month: 09,  infield_fix_dates },
X_TooBib = {day: 01,  infield_fix_dates },
X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2023-01-03 dn=urldate},
X_TooBib = {author: Aron , Camille and Barci , Daniel G and Cugliandolo , Leticia F and Arenas , Zochil Gonz\'{a}lez and Lozano , Gustavo S},
abbrvjrnl = {J. Stat. Mech.},
affiliation = {},
author = {Aron , Camille and Barci , Daniel G and Cugliandolo , Leticia F and Arenas , Zochil Gonz\'{a}lez and Lozano , Gustavo S},
author_as_rcvd = {Camille Aron and Daniel G Barci and Leticia F Cugliandolo and Zochil Gonz�lez Arenas and Gustavo S Lozano},
author_orig = {Camille Aron and Daniel G Barci and Leticia F Cugliandolo and Zochil Gonz\'{a}lez Arenas and Gustavo S Lozano},
bib-source = {Crossref},
content-domain = {false},
date = {09/01/2014},
date-created = {2014-09-08T14:13:40Z},
date-deposited = {2020-04-112020-04-11T03:00:10Z},
date-indexed = {2022-11-26T22:49:07Z},
date-issued = {2014-09-08},
date-journal-issue = {2014-09-01},
date-license = {2014-09-082014-09-08T00:00:00Z-2014-09-082014-09-08T00:00:00Z},
date-published-online = {2014-09-08},
date_orig = { 2014-09-01    2014-09-08     2014-09-08 },
day = {01},
deposited = {1586574010000},
doi = {10.1088/1742-5468/2014/09/p09008},
is-referenced-by-count = {32},
issn = {1742-5468},
issn-type = {1742-5468, electronic},
issue = {9},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment},
journal-issue = {9},
license = {1410134400000, tdm, 0,, 1410134400000, vor, 0,},
link = {, application/pdf, vor, text-mining,, text/html, vor, text-mining,, application/pdf, vor, similarity-checking,, text/html, vor, similarity-checking},
member = {266},
month = {09},
page = {P09008},
prefix = {10.1088},
publication-date = {2014-09-08},
publisher = {IOP Publishing},
reference = {deleted},
reference-count = {67},
references-count = {67},
resource = {},
score = {1},
subject = {Statistical and Nonlinear Physics},
title = {Magnetization dynamics: path-integral formalism for the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation},
title_as_rcvd = {Magnetization dynamics: path-integral formalism for the stochastic Landau��Lifshitz��Gilbert equation},
type = {journal-article},
url = {},
urldate = {2023-01-03},
volume = {2014},
year = {2014},
final_assembly ={ TooBib handler handledoilink(idiourl,  decodes=2)(crossref)},
toobib-date={2023-01-03:20:18:14 Tue Jan 3 20:18:14 EST 2023}


./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1174  saving to  df=xxxx
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1188  have citation   nfound=1 cite=\cite{Aron_Barci_Cugliandolo_Magnetization_dynamics_path_integral_2014} something=1 paste_citation=1


mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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