Citing Social Media ( LinkedIn ) posts - Zotero vs TooBib lol

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Sun Sep 17 20:47:28 CEST 2023

I wanted to cite this post,

and was surprised that both TooBib and Zotero webform were
able to produce results. In the past the LI html appeared
to be unstable and I did not think TooBib still worked.
Zotero came up with this,

    title = {Nikki {Schultek} on {LinkedIn}: {Could} a {Breakdown} in the {Brains} {Networks} {Allow} {Infections} to {Contribute} to…},
    shorttitle = {Nikki {Schultek} on {LinkedIn}},
    url = {},
    abstract = {Fantastic work from our colleagues at Drexel University College of Medicine! \#bacteria \#infectiousAlzheimers.

Intracell Research Group},
    language = {en},
    urldate = {2023-09-17},

The text appears slightly mangled although "Intracell" is the author's
affiliation. The TooBib result failed to find this but got a much
more comprehensive result although maybe some modern endusers
would call it cluttered. I have no idea how Zotero does QC or discovers
bibtex location but for fluid html it seems important to have tools
to find common patterns as TooBib does. 
The "Intracell" term appears in what looks like
unstructured parts of the document but in any case for an author
bio I guess I would follow the links to the author profile.
If I had to guess, they are scraping the html but probably
TooBib was using the json information which is more
structured and usually reliable if it appears. 

toobib -clip
mjm>clip xxxx
./toobib.h588  cmd=clip p1=xxxx p2= flags=18 x.flag_to_string(flags,0)=show_trial paste_citation 
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h992  uin= dest=xxxx flags=18
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1112  handler get failed   headless_failed=1 fnsz=0 fn=/tmp/filebUE7q9.outguesses StrTy(in.uin())=
./mjm_chromate.h1036  waiting for download no failure detect  url= fn=/tmp/filebUE7q9.outguesses
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1166 % mjmhandler: toobib handleldjson2(only ldjson)
% date 2023-09-17:14:32:45 Sun 17 Sep 2023 02:32:45 PM EDT
% srcurl:
% citeurl:
X_TooBib = {date: 09/15/2023},
X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2023-09-17 dn=urldate},
X_TooBib = {publisher: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
X_TooBib = {journal: ReWriteParse be.get(s)= be.get(dest)=},
X_TooBib = {author: Schultek , Nikki},
articlebody = {I am pleased to announce the publication of our research on a possible microbial involvement with Alzheimer's disease. My colleagues and I at Drexel University College of Medicine used advanced genomic sequencing to identify bacteria and a novel machine learning approach to find sets of bacteria that were correlated with Alzheimer's disease in the postmortem brains of Alzheimer's subjects. Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology: Evidence supportive of a bacterial component in the etiology for Alzheimer's disease and for a temporal-spatial development of a pathogenic microbiome in the brain. Yves Mon\'{e}, Joshua P. Earl, JarosUx0142[bad char  vv=322]aw E. Kr\'{o}l, Azad Ahmed, Bhaswati Sen, Garth D. Ehrlich, Jeffrey R. Lapides Press release: Paper: Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology:},
articlebody_as_rcvd = {I am pleased to announce the publication of our research on a possible microbial involvement with Alzheimer��s disease. My colleagues and I at Drexel University College of Medicine used advanced genomic sequencing to identify bacteria and a novel machine learning approach to find sets of bacteria that were correlated with Alzheimer's disease in the postmortem brains of Alzheimer's subjects. Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology: Evidence supportive of a bacterial component in the etiology for Alzheimer��s disease and for a temporal-spatial development of a pathogenic microbiome in the brain. Yves Mon�, Joshua P. Earl, Jaros�aw E. Kr�l, Azad Ahmed, Bhaswati Sen, Garth D. Ehrlich, Jeffrey R. Lapides Press release: Paper: Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology:},
author = {Schultek , Nikki},
author_orig = {Nikki Schultek},
context = {},
date = {09/15/2023},
date_orig = {2023-09-15        2023-09-15T11:23:31.384Z   },
datepublished = {2023-09-15T11:23:31.384Z},
day = {15},
id = {},
isaccessibleforfree = {false},
month = {09},
pagetitle = {Nikki Schultek on LinkedIn: Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute tounicodeellipsis},
pagetitle_as_rcvd = {Nikki Schultek on LinkedIn: Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute to�},
title = {Nikki Schultek on LinkedIn: Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute tounicodeellipsis},
title_as_rcvd = {Nikki Schultek on LinkedIn: Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute to�},
type = {SocialMediaPosting},
urldate = {2023-09-17},
x_articlebody = {I am pleased to announce the publication of our research on a possible microbial involvement with Alzheimer's disease. My colleagues and I at Drexel University College of Medicine used advanced genomic sequencing to identify bacteria and a novel machine learning approach to find sets of bacteria that were correlated with Alzheimer's disease in the postmortem brains of Alzheimer's subjects. Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology: Evidence supportive of a bacterial component in the etiology for Alzheimer's disease and for a temporal-spatial development of a pathogenic microbiome in the brain. Yves Mon\'{e}, Joshua P. Earl, JarosUx0142[bad char  vv=322]aw E. Kr\'{o}l, Azad Ahmed, Bhaswati Sen, Garth D. Ehrlich, Jeffrey R. Lapides Press release: Paper: Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology:},
x_articlebody_as_rcvd = {I am pleased to announce the publication of our research on a possible microbial involvement with Alzheimer��s disease. My colleagues and I at Drexel University College of Medicine used advanced genomic sequencing to identify bacteria and a novel machine learning approach to find sets of bacteria that were correlated with Alzheimer's disease in the postmortem brains of Alzheimer's subjects. Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology: Evidence supportive of a bacterial component in the etiology for Alzheimer��s disease and for a temporal-spatial development of a pathogenic microbiome in the brain. Yves Mon�, Joshua P. Earl, Jaros�aw E. Kr�l, Azad Ahmed, Bhaswati Sen, Garth D. Ehrlich, Jeffrey R. Lapides Press release: Paper: Frontiers in Cellular and Infectious Microbiology:},
x_author_3_image_4_type = {ImageObject},
x_author_3_image_4_url = {\&v=beta\&t=T4MJdybqu7EGNp26Oyq_xWm_KJ4he25yaDhRMOdmYTA},
x_author_3_name = {Nikki Schultek},
x_author_3_type = {Person},
x_author_3_url = {},
x_author_image_type = {ImageObject},
x_author_image_url = {\&v=beta\&t=T4MJdybqu7EGNp26Oyq_xWm_KJ4he25yaDhRMOdmYTA},
x_author_name = {Nikki Schultek},
x_author_type = {Person},
x_author_url = {},
x_context = {},
x_datepublished = {2023-09-15T11:23:31.384Z},
x_haspart_7_cssselector = {.details},
x_haspart_7_isaccessibleforfree = {false},
x_haspart_7_type = {WebPageElement},
x_haspart_cssselector = {.details},
x_haspart_isaccessibleforfree = {false},
x_haspart_type = {WebPageElement},
x_id = {},
x_image_5_type = {ImageObject},
x_image_5_url = {\&v=beta\&t=5O9QvTPti8NQcyJ6YEALOypPihjtL_p2sEa8gPz76R0},
x_image_type = {ImageObject},
x_image_url = {\&v=beta\&t=5O9QvTPti8NQcyJ6YEALOypPihjtL_p2sEa8gPz76R0},
x_isaccessibleforfree = {false},
x_sharedcontent_6_headline = {Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute to Alzheimers Disease?},
x_sharedcontent_6_type = {WebPage},
x_sharedcontent_6_url = {},
x_sharedcontent_headline = {Could a Breakdown in the Brains Networks Allow Infections to Contribute to Alzheimers Disease?},
x_sharedcontent_type = {WebPage},
x_sharedcontent_url = {},
x_type = {SocialMediaPosting},
year = {2023},
final_assembly ={ TooBib handler handleldjson2(only ldjson)},
toobib-date={2023-09-17:14:32:45 Sun 17 Sep 2023 02:32:45 PM EDT}


./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1174  saving to  df=xxxx
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1188  have citation   nfound=1 cite=\cite{Schultek_Nikki_Schultek_LinkedIn_2023} something=1 paste_citation=1

I would note Zotero was able to cite a Freefem++ website
on which TooBib failed but I'm looking into that :)

The code is up here although the lack of info may make
it hard to build ( it is largely just a header library
that builds in one step, even the "main(" is in a header file lol).


mike marchywka
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
USA, Earth marchywka at
 404-788-1216 ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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