LaTeX and \l and generated pdf and suppressing chars

Norbert Preining norbert at
Thu Jun 20 11:10:16 CEST 2024

Hi Ulrike,

thanks for your answer.

> Well OT1 encoding is ... strange.

I cannot disagree ;-) Having the small / in 0x20 is a great place ;-)

> I doubt that this is "standardized", the font predates unicode.
> Someone invented a name at some time and this is used. 


> /suppress seems not have a mapping in glyphtounicode.tex and so
> copy&paste simply uses its "char number" 32 and so give a space, but
> you could add a mapping with e.g. 

But I do NOT get a space on copy/paste!!! If there were a space, it
would copy/paste:
	W lodzimierz
but it doesn't.

So I guess the glyphtounicode.tex or something else is actually ignoring
the space.

Or ignoring glyphs with missing mapping?

> you could add a mapping with e.g.
> \pdfglyphtounicode{suppress}{0020} 

Actually I do NOT want a space, the above looks strange, right!?

> but I don't know a better number beside the space you already get. 

I don't get a space in copy/paste.
I only get a space when using pdfminer text extraction.

This is my question: How did the space disappear from pdf copy/paste?
You said:
> /suppress seems not have a mapping in glyphtounicode.tex and so
> copy&paste simply uses its "char number" 32 and so give a space, but
but this is not what I see.

> > Just for completelyness, using T1 fontenc would elevate this problem, as
> > using xelatex - but this is not up to what I can decide/do. 
> But it would be the right action. If you care about correct
> copy&paste and have things like Umlauts or \l in your document, OT1

I am not talking about *my* LaTeX documents, but about arXiv's
submissions, and there are LOTS and people do ALL kind of strange
things, trust me.

And we have to live with it.

Best regards, and thanks a lot


PREINING Norbert                    
arXiv / Cornell University   +   IFMGA Guide   +   TU Wien  +  TeX Live
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