LaTeX and \l and generated pdf and suppressing chars

Norbert Preining norbert at
Thu Jun 20 16:37:21 CEST 2024

Hi Ulrike,

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Well I do with Adobe reader on windows.  Copy&paste is a processor
> feature, and the exact result depends on the viewer you use. They

Ouch indeed indeed. Interesting to see that okular does the "right"
thing in this case.

> Yes I know this. But you have to accept reality: the PDF has a flaw
> and copy&paste won't work correctly. So how are you hoping to repair
> that without changing the encoding?

I cannot repair 2.5M papers from the past. But I can make text
extraction recognize the "suppress" special name and deal with it ;-)
I am not really concerned about copy/paste, but text extraction via
pdfminer, which parses the PDF.

Thanks Ulrike, that all helped me a lot understand a few of the moving
parts. I guess my next step is forking pdfminer(.six) (which development
seems to be dead anyway) and add try to fix what I see.

Thanks again, and all the best


PREINING Norbert                    
arXiv / Cornell University   +   IFMGA Guide   +   TU Wien  +  TeX Live
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