[XeTeX] IM Fell Type and XeTeX

Pepe Romero romeromedieval at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 01:19:35 CET 2009

Hello, Jonathan. Thank you for your help. I still wonder, however, why when
I typeset some text using this font in QuarkXpress, and I generate a PDF, it
displays correcly in Acrobat 9.
At any rate, is this something that the typedesigner can easily fix?

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Pepe Romero <romeromedieval at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello, I am testing in XeTeX the gorgeous Fell typefaces, digitalized and
> issued freely by Igino Marini (http://iginomarini.com/fell/). (Please do
> try them.)
> I have a problem, though. In XeTeX (latest TeX Live 2008) the letters of
> the text appear typset one over another (as if there was a kerning problem).
> When using other software (e.g., QuarkXPress) the text is typset ok.
> Any ideas?
> Romero
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