{Introduction to drawing structured diagrams in \rlap{\SDDL}} {Mathieu Bourgeois and Roger Villemaire} {We present \SDDL, a Structured Diagram Description Language aimed at producing graphical representations for discrete mathematics and computer science. \SDDL\ allows combining graphical objects (circles, lines, arrows, $\ldots$) and \LaTeX\ boxes to produce diagrams representing discrete structures such as graphs, trees, etc. In \SDDL, one adds objects to a canvas in order to produce a drawing. Objects are either basic building blocks such as circles, lines, arrows or even already defined canvas. This allows reusing existing representations by integrating them at various positions in the main canvas. Furthermore, inner objects can always be referred to. It is hence easy to add linking objects, such as lines and arrows, between inner objects. \SDDL\ uses an object-oriented inspired syntax, using the dot to access attributes, such as specific points (center, corner, etc.), in a natural way. Diagrams are hence constructed by combining existing parts and linking them in various ways. Our tool is implemented in Java, but, since \SDDL\ offers its own simple syntax, no knowledge of Java is required in order to learn \SDDL. The tool translates the \SDDL\ input into Asymptote code and uses the Asymptote engine to produce \EPS\ output. \SDDL\ is hence a simple and clear language in which one can combine graphical objects and \LaTeX\ code in order to produce structured diagrams such as those used in discrete mathematics and computer science. }