{Jakub M\'aca, Petr Sojka, Ond\v{r}ej Sojka} {Universal syllabic pattern generation} {Space- and time-effective segmentation (hyphenation) of natural languages remain at the core of every document rendering system, be it \TeX, web browser, or mobile operating system. In most languages, segmentation mimicking syllabic pronunciation is a pragmatic preference today. As language switching is often not marked in rendered texts, the typesetting engine needs \emph{universal} syllabic segmentation. In this article, we show the feasibility of this idea by offering a prototypical solution to two main problems: %\begin{enumerate} A)~no wide character (\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_character}) support in tools like Patgen{} or \TeX\ hyphenation, i.e.\ internal Unicode support is missing; B)~A Patgen{} generation process for multiple languages at once. %\end{enumerate} For A), we have created a version of Patgen that uses the Judy array (\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Judy_array} data structure and compared its effectiveness with the trie implementation. For~B), we have applied it to generating universal syllabic patterns from wordlists of a dozen syllabic, as opposed to etymology-based, languages. We show that A)~bringing wide character support into the hyphenation part of \TeX\ suite of programs is possible by using Judy arrays, and B)~developing universal, up-to-date, high-coverage, and highly generalized universal syllabic segmentation patterns is possible, with high impact on virtually all typesetting engines, including web page renderers.}