{Rishi T, Apu V, \Thanh, Jan~Van\v{e}k} {Primo\Dash The new sustainable solution for publishing} {Primo is a cutting-edge, cloud-based authoring, submission, and proofing framework that provides a sustainable solution for academic publishing. It combines the advantages of \XML-based workflows that facilitate controlled authoring and/or editing in accordance with specific \DTD{}s and house styles, with the visually appealing and mathematically precise typesetting language of \TeX, enabling the creation of high-quality \PDF{}s and mathematical images (offering an alternative to \MathML\ coding). By speaking the widely accepted communicating lingua of mathematics and science (i.e., \TeX), and utilizing the \XML/\MathML\ format for archiving, Primo has the potential to revolutionize the publishing industry. This tool caters to both the author and the publisher, bringing their needs together with enhanced participation of authors in the publishing process. The three main modules of Primo include Authoring, Submission/Reviewing, and Proofing, all of which are equipped with usability checks during submission, a collaborative editing feature, a \WYSIWYG\ math editing tool, and publisher\slash journal-based \PDF\ manuscript rendering. With Primo, authors can be assured that their work will be published with the highest level of precision and quality.}