{Boris Veytsman} {The update of the \texttt{nostarch} class} {I wrote the \texttt{nostarch} class for No~Starch Press more than a decade and half ago. It accommodated many specific features of No~Starch books: the special formatting for the first paragraph in a chapter, the characteristic artwork at chapter starts, etc. Since then it has been used and modified by the publishing team (with special thanks to Alex Freed for many fixes). The wide adoption of Overleaf by many authors has increased the number of \LaTeX\ submissions, thus creating a demand for a rewrite. The main goal of the update is to minimize the need for manual adjustments, while implementing the current design requirements of the publisher. Some of these requirements are rather unusual: the rules of url breaking, the variable width of captions for figures and tables, etc. In this talk I discuss the challenges and solutions of the redesign.}