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comments on mfnt_052

Hi again,

here are the observations from my latest test with 0.52:

1. In the yma fonts, you've apparently got `barforh' and `slashforh'
the wrong way round.  I've noticed this when I was trying to fake
a `lambdabar' and got a `lambdaslash' instead.  In my experiments,
I simply exchanged them in MCmtx.tex as a preliminary fix.

2. I've experimented with faking various symbols in the CM and Euler
version of the MC fonts As mentioned above, I tried to improve
`lambdabar' using the `barforh' instead of a glyph rule, and I've 
also tried to make an `eth' from `partialupright' and `slahsforh'.
Unfortunately, the latter didn't work out to well in the CM version
due to the bulb at the top.  The Euler version was slightly better,
but not really satisfactory either because the hook at the top is 
too long.  Another experiment vor Euler was `emptysetstress' using
a slashed Euler `zeroupright' and `between' using Euler parens.

3. Finally, I've hacked MCA.tex and MCmtx.tex to implement the 
CM version by drawing characters from cmr and cmmi instead of
ecrm and ecti.  It would be nice to put a thorn into yma as well,
so that we do not have to rely on ecrm for that one (and also 
can generate a Concrete version more easily).

Patches will follow as usual.  More comments in another message.

Cheers, Ulrik.

diff -c tex/ORIG/MCmtx.tex tex/MCmtx.tex
*** tex/ORIG/MCmtx.tex	Mon Sep 29 19:43:41 1997
--- tex/MCmtx.tex	Wed Oct  1 01:13:40 1997
*** 1,20 ****
- \setglyph{hbar}
-   \push
-     \movert{100}
-     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{h}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
- \setglyph{hslash}
-   \push
-     \movert{100}
-     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{h}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
--- 1,6 ----
*** 35,68 ****
!     \glyphrule{700}{10}
!     \movert{150}
!     \glyphrule{700}{10}
- \setglyph{lambdabar}
-   \push
-     \moveup{550}
-     \movert{-30}
-     \glyphrule{500}{10}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{lambda}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
- \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
-   \push
-     \moveup{550}
-     \movert{-50}
-     \glyphrule{500}{10}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
--- 21,38 ----
!     \glyphrule{700}{20}
!     \movert{50}
!     \glyphrule{700}{20}
*** 97,102 ****
--- 67,130 ----
+ \begin{filecontents}{MCmextra.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \unsetglyph{eth}
+ \setglyph{eth}
+   \push
+     \moveup{50}
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{partialdiffupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{hbar}
+   \push
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{h}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{hslash}
+   \push
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{h}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{lambdabar}
+   \push
+     \movert{150}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambda}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
+   \push
+     \movert{0}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \replaceglyph{Aitalic}{A}
+ \replaceglyph{Bitalic}{B}
+ \replaceglyph{Eitalic}{E}
+ \replaceglyph{Hitalic}{H}
+ \replaceglyph{Iitalic}{I}
+ \replaceglyph{Kitalic}{K}
+ \replaceglyph{Mitalic}{M}
+ \replaceglyph{Nitalic}{N}
+ \replaceglyph{Oitalic}{O}
+ \replaceglyph{Xitalic}{X}
+ \replaceglyph{Pitalic}{P}
+ \replaceglyph{Titalic}{T}
+ \replaceglyph{Vitalic}{V}
+ \replaceglyph{Yitalic}{Y}
+ \replaceglyph{Zitalic}{Z}
+ \replaceglyph{oitalic}{o}
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
*** 108,127 ****
!     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
!     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
--- 136,187 ----
+ \unsetglyph{between}
+ \setglyph{between}
+   \glyph{parenleft}{1000}
+   \movert{-300}
+   \glyph{parenright}{1000} 
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{emptysetstress}
+ \setglyph{emptysetstress}
+   \push
+     \moveup{80}
+     \glyph{slash}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{zeroupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{eth}
+ \setglyph{eth}
+   \push
+     \moveup{40}
+     \movert{160}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{partialdiffupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
!     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
!     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+ \missingglyph{lambdabar}
+ \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
+   \push
+     \movert{120}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \missingglyph{Vbarslanted}
*** 153,159 ****
- \missingglyph{Vupright}
--- 213,218 ----
*** 231,236 ****
--- 290,297 ----
+ \missingglyph{rho1upright}
+ \missingglyph{sigma1upright}
diff -c tex/ORIG/XEA.tex tex/XEA.tex
*** tex/ORIG/XEA.tex	Mon Sep 29 19:52:45 1997
--- tex/XEA.tex	Tue Sep 30 23:22:28 1997
*** 11,19 ****
! \installsizes{xea}{d\Size,eufm\size,eurm\size,eusm\size,MCebar,yea\Size,
!   yfa\Size,MCtoMCin,yma\Size,OMStoOMScal,cmsy\size,OMStoMSAM,msam\size,
!   OMStoMSBM,msbm\size,MCeextra,MCextra,MCekern}{MC}{MC}{xea}{m}{n}
--- 11,20 ----
! \installsizes{xea}{d\Size,eufm\size,eurm\size,eusm\size,
!   MCebar,yea\Size,yfa\Size,MCtoMCin,yma\Size,
!   OMStoOMScal,cmsy\size,OMStoMSAM,msam\size,OMStoMSBM,msbm\size,
!   MCeextra,MCextra,MCekern}{MC}{MC}{xea}{m}{n}
diff -c tex/ORIG/XMA.tex tex/XMA.tex
*** tex/ORIG/XMA.tex	Sat Sep 27 18:00:59 1997
--- tex/XMA.tex	Tue Sep 30 23:02:06 1997
*** 11,19 ****
! \installsizes{xma}{d\Size,MCtoMCin,yma\Size,T1toT1upright,ecrm\Size,
!   T1toT1italic,ecti\Size, cmmi\size, OMStoOMScal,cmsy\size, OMStoMSAM,
!   msam\size,OMStoMSBM,msbm\size, MCextra,MCkern}{MC}{MC}{xma}{m}{n}
--- 11,20 ----
! \installsizes{xma}{d\Size,MCtoMCin,yma\Size,
!   OT1toOT1upright,cmr\size,cmmi\size,OMStoOMScal,cmsy\size,
!   OMStoMSAM,msam\size,OMStoMSBM,msbm\size,
!   MCmextra,MCextra,MCkern}{MC}{MC}{xma}{m}{n}
diff -c etx/ORIG/OT1italic.etx etx/OT1italic.etx
*** etx/ORIG/OT1italic.etx	Fri Aug 22 20:57:31 1997
--- etx/OT1italic.etx	Tue Sep 30 21:58:21 1997
*** 4,10 ****
! \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1upright}
--- 4,10 ----
! \setcommand\uc#1#2{#1italic}
diff -c etx/ORIG/OT1upright.etx etx/OT1upright.etx
*** etx/ORIG/OT1upright.etx	Sat Aug 30 18:33:45 1997
--- etx/OT1upright.etx	Tue Sep 30 21:58:52 1997
*** 9,15 ****
! \setcommand\digit#1{#1uprightOT1}
--- 9,15 ----
! \setcommand\digit#1{#1upright}
diff -c pl/ORIG/Makefile pl/Makefile
*** pl/ORIG/Makefile	Mon Sep 29 11:11:37 1997
--- pl/Makefile	Tue Sep 30 22:49:40 1997
*** 10,16 ****
  	lasy5.pl lasy6.pl lasy7.pl lasy8.pl lasy9.pl lasy10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
  	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl \
! 	bbm5.pl bbm6.pl bbm7.pl bbm8.pl bbm9.pl bbm10.pl 
  	ecbx0500.pl ecbx0600.pl ecbx0700.pl ecbx0800.pl ecbx0900.pl ecbx1000.pl \
--- 10,17 ----
  	lasy5.pl lasy6.pl lasy7.pl lasy8.pl lasy9.pl lasy10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
  	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl \
! 	bbm5.pl bbm6.pl bbm7.pl bbm8.pl bbm9.pl bbm10.pl \
! 	eufm5.pl eufm6.pl eufm7.pl eufm8.pl eufm9.pl eufm10.pl
  	ecbx0500.pl ecbx0600.pl ecbx0700.pl ecbx0800.pl ecbx0900.pl ecbx1000.pl \
*** 20,26 ****
  	cmbsy5.pl cmbsy6.pl cmbsy7.pl cmbsy8.pl cmbsy9.pl cmbsy10.pl \
  	bbmbx5.pl bbmbx6.pl bbmbx7.pl bbmbx8.pl bbmbx9.pl bbmbx10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
! 	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl 
  	eurm5.pl eurm6.pl eurm7.pl eurm8.pl eurm9.pl eurm10.pl \
--- 21,28 ----
  	cmbsy5.pl cmbsy6.pl cmbsy7.pl cmbsy8.pl cmbsy9.pl cmbsy10.pl \
  	bbmbx5.pl bbmbx6.pl bbmbx7.pl bbmbx8.pl bbmbx9.pl bbmbx10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
! 	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl \
! 	eufb5.pl eufb6.pl eufb7.pl eufb8.pl eufb9.pl eufb10.pl
  	eurm5.pl eurm6.pl eurm7.pl eurm8.pl eurm9.pl eurm10.pl \
*** 32,38 ****
  	cmmi5.pl cmmi6.pl cmmi7.pl cmmi8.pl cmmi9.pl cmmi10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
  	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl
  	eurb5.pl eurb6.pl eurb7.pl eurb8.pl eurb9.pl eurb10.pl \
  	eufb5.pl eufb6.pl eufb7.pl eufb8.pl eufb9.pl eufb10.pl \
--- 34,40 ----
  	cmmi5.pl cmmi6.pl cmmi7.pl cmmi8.pl cmmi9.pl cmmi10.pl \
  	msam5.pl msam6.pl msam7.pl msam8.pl msam9.pl msam10.pl \
  	msbm5.pl msbm6.pl msbm7.pl msbm8.pl msbm9.pl msbm10.pl
  	eurb5.pl eurb6.pl eurb7.pl eurb8.pl eurb9.pl eurb10.pl \
  	eufb5.pl eufb6.pl eufb7.pl eufb8.pl eufb9.pl eufb10.pl \