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more on a Times/Symbol implementation of MC/MSP

While digging through my transfer floppies, I've found another patch
I've prepared earlier this week, consisting of some improvements to 
my pevious work on a Times/Symbol implementation of MC and a similar
ZapfChancery/Symbol implementation of MSP.  While about 90 percent
of the existing symbols in the MC font table could be implemented
this way, only about 50 percent of the symbols in MSP are available,
which leads to a rather unfortunate mixture between Adobe Symbol and
cmsy/msam/msbm.  As for the MS1 and MS2 font tables, there's hardly
anything in there that could be filled in from Adobe Symbol.

Hope that Mattias can integrate it with whatever else we currently
have in the next test release.

Cheers, Ulrik.

diff -c tex/ORIG/MCmtx.tex tex/MCmtx.tex
*** tex/ORIG/MCmtx.tex	Mon Sep 29 19:43:41 1997
--- tex/MCmtx.tex	Mon Oct  6 22:54:38 1997
*** 1,23 ****
! \begin{filecontents}{MCextra.mtx}
!     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
! \setglyph{hslash}
!     \movert{100}
!     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
!   \glyph{h}{1000}
--- 1,90 ----
! \begin{filecontents}{MCtextra.mtx}
+ \setglyph{bardbl}
+   \glyph{bar}{1000}
+   \glyph{bar}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{bartrpl}
+   \glyph{bar}{1000}
+   \glyph{bar}{1000}
+   \glyph{bar}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{between}
+ \setglyph{between}
+   \glyph{parenleft}{1000}
+   \movert{-270}
+   \glyph{parenright}{1000} 
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{emptysetstress}
+ \setglyph{emptysetstress}
+   \push
+     \movert{110}
+     \glyph{slash}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{zeroupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+     \moveup{550}
!     \glyphrule{300}{30}
! \setglyph{lambdabar}
!     \moveup{550}
!     \movert{200}
!     \glyphrule{300}{30}
!   \glyph{lambda}{1000}
! \endsetglyph
! \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
!   \push
!     \moveup{550}
!     \movert{120}
!     \glyphrule{300}{30}
!   \pop
!   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
+ \unsetglyph{eth}
+ \replaceglyph{eth}{ethupright}
+ \replaceglyph{periodcentered}{dotmath}
+ \replaceglyph{backepsilon}{suchthat}
+ \controlglyph{GREEK}
+ \replaceglyph{omikron}{o}
+ \replaceglyph{Omikron}{O}
+ \replaceglyph{omikronupright}{oupright}
+ \replaceglyph{Omikronupright}{Oupright}
+ \missingglyph{beta1}
+ \missingglyph{kappa1}
+ \replaceglyph{epsilon1}{epsilon}
+ \replaceglyph{epsilon1upright}{epsilonupright}
+ \replaceglyph{pi1}{omega1}
+ \replaceglyph{pi1upright}{omega1upright}
+ \replaceglyph{rho1}{rho}
+ \replaceglyph{rho1upright}{rhoupright}
+ \missingglyph{Chi1}
+ \missingglyph{coproduct}
+ \missingglyph{dnasrepma}
+ \missingglyph{mho}
+ \missingglyph{lscript}
+ \missingglyph{hslash}
+ \missingglyph{Vbar}
+ \missingglyph{Vbarslanted}
+ \missingglyph{digamma}
+ \missingglyph{digammaupright}
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
+ \begin{filecontents}{MCextra.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \missingglyph{beta1upright}
+ \missingglyph{kappa1upright}
*** 35,68 ****
!     \glyphrule{700}{10}
!     \movert{150}
!     \glyphrule{700}{10}
- \setglyph{lambdabar}
-   \push
-     \moveup{550}
-     \movert{-30}
-     \glyphrule{500}{10}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{lambda}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
- \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
-   \push
-     \moveup{550}
-     \movert{-50}
-     \glyphrule{500}{10}
-   \pop
-   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
- \endsetglyph
--- 102,119 ----
!     \glyphrule{700}{20}
!     \movert{50}
!     \glyphrule{700}{20}
*** 97,102 ****
--- 148,211 ----
+ \begin{filecontents}{MCmextra.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \unsetglyph{eth}
+ \setglyph{eth}
+   \push
+     \moveup{50}
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{partialdiffupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{hbar}
+   \push
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{h}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{hslash}
+   \push
+     \movert{100}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{h}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{lambdabar}
+   \push
+     \movert{150}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambda}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
+   \push
+     \movert{0}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \replaceglyph{Aitalic}{A}
+ \replaceglyph{Bitalic}{B}
+ \replaceglyph{Eitalic}{E}
+ \replaceglyph{Hitalic}{H}
+ \replaceglyph{Iitalic}{I}
+ \replaceglyph{Kitalic}{K}
+ \replaceglyph{Mitalic}{M}
+ \replaceglyph{Nitalic}{N}
+ \replaceglyph{Oitalic}{O}
+ \replaceglyph{Xitalic}{X}
+ \replaceglyph{Pitalic}{P}
+ \replaceglyph{Titalic}{T}
+ \replaceglyph{Vitalic}{V}
+ \replaceglyph{Yitalic}{Y}
+ \replaceglyph{Zitalic}{Z}
+ \replaceglyph{oitalic}{o}
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
*** 108,127 ****
!     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
!     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
--- 217,268 ----
+ \unsetglyph{between}
+ \setglyph{between}
+   \glyph{parenleft}{1000}
+   \movert{-300}
+   \glyph{parenright}{1000} 
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{emptysetstress}
+ \setglyph{emptysetstress}
+   \push
+     \moveup{80}
+     \glyph{slash}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{zeroupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \unsetglyph{eth}
+ \setglyph{eth}
+   \push
+     \moveup{40}
+     \movert{160}
+     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{partialdiffupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
!     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
!     \glyph{barforh}{1000}
+ \missingglyph{lambdabar}
+ \setglyph{lambdabarupright}
+   \push
+     \movert{120}
+     \glyph{slashforh}{1000}
+   \pop
+   \glyph{lambdaupright}{1000}
+ \endsetglyph
+ \missingglyph{Vbarslanted}
*** 153,159 ****
- \missingglyph{Vupright}
--- 294,299 ----
*** 231,236 ****
--- 371,378 ----
+ \missingglyph{rho1upright}
+ \missingglyph{sigma1upright}
diff -c tex/ORIG/XTA.tex tex/XTA.tex
*** tex/ORIG/XTA.tex	Mon Oct  6 22:14:10 1997
--- tex/XTA.tex	Mon Oct  6 22:20:38 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,33 ----
+ \nofiles
+ \documentclass{minimal}
+ \usepackage{emfninst}
+ \input{extramtx}
+ \input{MCmtx}
+ \input{sizes}
+ \begin{document}
+ \installfonts
+ \installfamily{MC}{xta}{\skewchar\font0}
+ \installfont{xta1000}{d1000,
+   T1toT1upright,ptmr8t,T1toT1normal,ptmri8t,
+   PSYupright,psyr,PSYitalic,psyro,MCtextra,
+   OMStoOMScal,cmsy10,OMStoMSAM,msam10,OMStoMSBM,msbm10,
+   MCtoMCin,yma1000,
+   MCkern}{MC}{MC}{xta}{m}{n}{<10>}
+ \endinstallfonts
+ \end{document}
diff -c tex/ORIG/XTC.tex tex/XTC.tex
*** tex/ORIG/XTC.tex	Mon Oct  6 22:14:15 1997
--- tex/XTC.tex	Tue Oct  7 01:00:31 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,32 ----
+ \nofiles
+ \documentclass{minimal}
+ \usepackage{emfninst}
+ \input{extramtx}
+ \input{MSPmtx}
+ \input{sizes}
+ \begin{document}
+ \installfonts
+ \installfamily{MSP}{xtc}{\skewchar\font0}
+ \installfont{xtc1000}{d1000,
+   PSYupright,psyr,T1toT1upright,ptmr8t,T1toT1cal,pzcmi8t,
+   ymc1000,lasy10,cmmi10,OMStoOMScal,cmsy10,
+   OMStoMSAM,msam10,OMStoMSBM,msbm10,
+   MSPextra,MSPkern}{MSP}{MSP}{xtc}{m}{n}{<10>}
+ \endinstallfonts
+ \end{document}
diff -c tex/ORIG/extramtx.tex tex/extramtx.tex
*** tex/ORIG/extramtx.tex	Mon Sep 29 11:12:46 1997
--- tex/extramtx.tex	Mon Oct  6 23:02:13 1997
*** 1,4 ****
--- 1,16 ----
  % The files are wrapped in this tex file to make `rm *.mtx' harmless.
+ \begin{filecontents}{PSYupright.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \declareencoding{FONTSPECIFIC}{psyup}
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
+ \begin{filecontents}{PSYitalic.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \declareencoding{FONTSPECIFIC}{psyit}
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
*** 21,26 ****
--- 33,54 ----
+ \catcode`\~=\tildecatcode
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
+ \begin{filecontents}{T1toT1cal.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \edef\tildecatcode{\the\catcode`\~}\catcode`\~=10
+ \declareencoding{EXTENDED~TEX~FONT~ENCODING~-~LATIN}{T1cal}
+ \catcode`\~=\tildecatcode
+ \endmetrics
+ \end{filecontents}
+ \begin{filecontents}{T1toT1normal.mtx}
+ \relax
+ \metrics
+ \edef\tildecatcode{\the\catcode`\~}\catcode`\~=10
+ \declareencoding{EXTENDED~TEX~FONT~ENCODING~-~LATIN}{T1}
diff -c etx/ORIG/T1cal.etx etx/T1cal.etx
*** etx/ORIG/T1cal.etx	Mon Oct  6 23:00:58 1997
--- etx/T1cal.etx	Mon Oct  6 23:00:41 1997
*** 0 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ \relax
+ \encoding
+ \resetcommand\lc#1#2{#2cal}
+ \resetcommand\uc#1#2{#1cal}
+ \resetcommand\lctop#1#2{#2-unused}
+ \resetcommand\uctop#1#2{#1-unused}
+ \resetcommand\lclig#1#2{#2-unused}
+ \resetcommand\uclig#1#2{#1-unused}
+ \resetcommand\digit#1{#1cal}
+ \resetcommand\sn#1{#1-unused}
+ \inputetx{T1}
+ \endencoding