2007 TeX Users Group Election

The positions of TUG President and several members of the TUG Board of Directors will be open as of the TUG 2007 Annual Meeting.

The TUG directors whose terms will expire in 2007 are: Barbara Beeton, Jon Breitenbucher, Kaja Christiansen, Susan DeMeritt, Ross Moore, Cheryl Ponchin, Samuel Rhoads, and Philip Taylor. One additional director position is currently unoccupied.

Continuing directors, with terms ending in 2009: Steve Grathwohl, Jim Hefferon, Klaus Höppner, Arthur Ogawa, Steve Peter, and David Walden.

The election to choose the new president and board members will be held in the spring of 2007. Nominations for these openings are now invited.

Nomination and election outline

The TUG Bylaws provide that "Any member may be nominated for election to the office of TUG President/to the Board by submitting a nomination petition in accordance with the TUG Election Procedures. Election ... shall be by written mail ballot of the entire membership, carried out in accordance with those same Procedures." The term of President is two years, while that of Director is four years.

The name of any member may be placed in nomination for election to one of the open offices by submission of a petition, signed by two other members in good standing, to the TUG office.

You may download a printable nomination form (LaTeX source, dvi, pdf), or obtain a form from the TUG office.

Along with a nomination form, each candidate is asked to supply a short biography, a statement of intent, and (optional) passport-size photograph to be included with the ballot. The biography and statement of intent together may not exceed 400 words. Also, a candidate's membership dues for 2007 are expected to be paid by the nomination deadline.

The deadline for receipt at the TUG office of nomination forms and ballot information is 1 February 2007.

If there are more candidates than open positions, ballots will be mailed to all members within 30 days after the close of nominations. Marked ballots must be returned no more than six (6) weeks following the mailing; the exact dates will be noted on the ballots.

Ballots will then be counted by a disinterested party not part of the TUG organization. The results of the election should be available by early summer, and will be announced in a future issue of TUGboat, on the TUG web site, and through various TeX-related electronic lists.

It is the intent of TUG that all wishing to participate in TUG elections do so. If you experience difficulty in submitting your nomination, do not receive your ballot in a timely way, or experience other problems, please contact the TUG office or Election Committee.

Steve Peter
for the Election Committee

Previous elections

For the record, announcements and information about previous elections is available: 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997.

$Date: 2006/12/30 01:00:47 $; TUG home page; join TUG/renew membership; webmaster; facebook; x; mastodon.