[tex-k] HyperTeX tags

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Feb 28 20:39:10 CET 2006

    *** hps.lpro.org	2006-02-28 09:31:13.000000000 +0100
    --- hps.lpro	2006-02-28 09:35:41.000000000 +0100

Thank you very much for that detailed analysis and fix, Heiko!
I'll apply the change in the dvips sources as soon as I have the
repository ready for checkins :).

Oleg, if you want to try it out with your ps2pdf stuff for immediate
gratification, you can just replace the /targetvalidate...bind def in
hps.pro with Heiko's routine.  It looks different since all the
whitespace is removed in the .pro files, but that's not important.


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