[tex-k] tex.ch line number updating?

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Tue Jun 4 22:35:38 CEST 2024

Hi Doug,

    So where/which is the official 
https://tug.org/svn/texlive/trunk is the One True Upstream for TeX Live.
I suggest a real svn checkout if you want reliable access to the latest.
See https://tug.org/texlive/svn for info if needed.

It is "officially" mirrored by Norbert to
every few minutes.

Beware all other githubs (and other mirrors).

    "web.ch" file? 

There is not and has never been any web.ch. I trust you mean tex.ch.

    Were you using it? 

No. I have never heard of "holzschu".

    But in this "tex.ch", there is no line:

I simply forgot to update my mail message after I updated the tex.ch file.
The actual source should always be taken as canonical over email.

    Or has this all been fixed in the last couple of days?

Yes, it is in the last couple of days that I updated all the
chapter/section/line numbers in tex.ch and mf.ch via a script by Tyge
Tiessen (thanks again, Tyge). You can find details and the script in the
ChangeLog and svn if you want to.

Andreas is updating a few other .ch files, too. --hope this clarifies, karl.

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