Software: beastie

Norman Gray gray at
Sun May 19 10:20:24 CEST 2024


On 19 May 2024, at 8:57, Norman Gray wrote:

> [ I'm aware I'm at least somewhat misusing the list by making a 
> software announcement on it, but I feel uncertain where else to go, in 
> the absence of something like comp.text.tex; the biblio at tug list seems 
> moribund ]

Of course, _now_ I find texhak at tug, which is probably a better 
destination for this.

(How did I not know about that list before!?  I only found it just now, 
after happening to notice a mention of comp.text.tex in the current 
TUGBoat, which in turn mentioned

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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