Software: beastie

Norman Gray gray at
Sun May 19 09:57:08 CEST 2024

Hello, all

[ I'm aware I'm at least somewhat misusing the list by making a software 
announcement on it, but I feel uncertain where else to go, in the 
absence of something like comp.text.tex; the biblio at tug list seems 
moribund ]

I've released 'beastie', which is a .bib processor.  It's at (version 0.8).

This is an experiment in BibTeX processing, which provides an 
alternative mechanism for programming bibliography generation, 
implemented in Scheme.  As a proof of functionality, it uses that 
mechanism to create an implementation of the .bst language.  Thus it's 
able to act as a (tentative) drop-in replacement for the bibtex program, 
adding slightly improved error reporting and debugging support.

The code here works reliably, for me, but I'm uncertain what the next 
useful direction would be.  I can imagine this would be a good starting 
point for a CSL implementation, for example, but have no 
current/pressing need for such a thing myself.

Any thoughts or comments would of course be most welcome.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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