TEXMFHOME on Windows (for users with long names, diacritics or spaces in their names)

David Carlisle d.p.carlisle at gmail.com
Thu May 30 10:22:05 CEST 2024

On Fri, 24 May 2024 at 10:09, Denis Bitouzé <denis.bitouze at univ-littoral.fr>

> Hi,
> this is a kind of a followup of:
>   ┌────
>   └────
> Recently, one of my students using Windows (11 I guess) couldn't use the
> default TEXMFHOME as known by TL because her ⟨username⟩ (derived from
> her first and last names) was long and contained diacritics plus
> (perhaps harmless) spaces.
> Indeed:
>   ┌────
>   │ kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME
>   └────
> returned a path of the form:
>   ┌────
>   │ C:/Users/⟨distorted username⟩/texmf
>   └────
> where ⟨distorted username⟩ was a version of her ⟨username⟩ both
> truncated and where diacritics were replaced by strange characters (and
> perhaps, I don't remember exactly, spaces were dropped).
> As a workaround, we created another auxtree directly at the root of C:.
> But I wonder if such a case (quite common in France) couldn't be handled
> by TL, which would save end-users having to resort to such workarounds.
> Thanks.
> --
> Denis
> Rather than make a new tree, the user could presumably have a texmf.cnf
that sets TEXMFHOME
using whatever 8+3 name is listed by
dir /X c:\users
so something like


(TEXMFVAR and TEXMFCONFIG also have default settings based on ~)
You probably don't want to change %USERPROFILE% in the environment but
changing those three in texmf.cnf should be safe enough, I think.

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