Ghostscript problem in the MacTeX 2023

Sarthak vijaysarthak23 at
Sat Jun 3 16:31:58 CEST 2023

Hi Ettore.

Yes, symlinks to gs* binaries are there in    /opt/homebrew/bin.
 (Indeed, I am on Apple Silicon.) Yes, it looks like the trouble (as
Richard Koch of MacTeX pointed out to me in a recent email) is the result
of brew changing directories for Apple Silicon devices, and still
downloading Ghostscript as a dependency and not via MacTeX pkg (as you
point out).


On Sat, Jun 3, 2023 at 6:05 PM Ettore Aldrovandi <ealdrov at>

> Sarthak, Norbert, Dick and others,
> in the original post on, Sarthak installed MacTeX
> via the brew —cask method. This results in the MacTeX dmg being installed
> and it is not a brew installation of TeXLive. Looking  at the cask formula,
> it looks like you end up with the a standard MacTeX installation with the
> GUI utilities but without Ghostscript, which is installed (by dependency)
> via brew.
> Sarthak, If this is a Silicon, the gs* binaries should be in symlinked
> into /opt/homebrew/bin, maybe?
> Hope this helps,
> —Ettore
> Ettore Aldrovandi
> Department of Mathematics, Florida State University
> 1017 Academic Way
> Tallahassee, FL 32306-4510, USA
> On Jun 2, 2023, at 22:01, Norbert Preining <norbert at> wrote:
>   2. In your last email, you meant "*...installed MacTeX not with
> brew...*",
>   instead of "*...installed MacTeX now with brew...*", correct?
> No, I meant
> I installed MacTeX with the proper MacTeX installer
> You installed MacTeX with brew.
> And as DIck's answer showed, that might be the problem.
> BTW, please don't cross-post to texhax, support, .... at the same time,
> thanks
> Best
> Norbert
> --
> PREINING Norbert                    
> Mercari Inc.     +     IFMGA Guide     +     TU Wien     +     TeX Live
> GPG: 0x860CDC13   fp: F7D8 A928 26E3 16A1 9FA0 ACF0 6CAC A448 860C DC13
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