A TFM Compliance Checker for the TeX Live distribution

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Jul 10 00:48:53 CEST 2024

    Would you be able to extend this to other font format?

FWIW, many years ago Manuel P-G wrote a script to do this basic job for
otf pdf pfb tfm vf, simply by running a "validator" program on the files
(otfinfo, pdfinfo, tftopl, vftovp).

It would be trivial to extend to other formats with other programs,
though I'm sure it is much less efficient than Didier's program.

But the real problem is not doing the checking. It's getting the files
fixed. Which generally means contacting authors, if you're lucky enough
to find them, and asking them to update files that have worked well
enough for years|decades. Which, understandably, they are usually not
interested in doing. So I gave up on it. --best, karl.

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