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the compatibility issue


reading justin's report i cannot second him on the point that
compatibility of kerning pairs is an issue. I think that the EC fonts
for instance have enhanced kerning  wrt CM, many kern pairs have been
added, and some have been fixed (like oj ?--not sure!). I think that
an alternative math font should have the advance width of Gamma, and
its skewchar kern fixed. From a general point of vue, i don't think
that math entities should be automatically kerned, and that kerning
with punctuation is a bad idea (ideally, punctuation should be typeset
in text mode). As EC is not isometric to CM, i don't see why math
fonts should be.

Is the idea that it should be possible to have a set of virtual fonts
built from CM that allow to emulate perfectly plain or latex209 with
the future setting? If it is the only need for making glyphs kerned in
CM live together in M*, i think this one should have an inferior
priority. Am i wrong?
   Thierry Bouche.       -----       thierry.bouche@ujf-grenoble.fr