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Extended translation of the the 5th edition


the 7th edition, total of 960 colored pages


2nd edition, 212 pages, includes 32 color pages










;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -*- Mode: Text -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; pst-doc.err --- Various errors in PSTricks documentation for 0.93a version ;; from 12 March 1993 and in betadoc1/betadoc2 documentation ;; ;; Author : Denis GIROU (CNRS/IDRIS - France) ;; Created the : Wed Mar 12 20:08:54 1997 ;; Last mod. by : Herbert Voss ;; Last mod. the : Sun Dec 02 2007 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; In PSTricks documentation for 0.93a version from 12 March 1993: -------------------------------------------------------------- - In betadoc1/betadoc2 documentation ----------------------------------- * Page 1 : results for diamond and diamond* are inverted * Page 7 : the center the center must be read the center * Page 8 : \rput{angle}(x,y){\circlenode{name}{stuff} must be read \rput{angle}(x,y){\circlenode{name}{stuff}} * Page 18 : One more paramter trick: must be read One more parameter trick: * Page 23 : between between must be read between * Page 24 : right "a" in the second diagram must be read "A" * Page 26 : shortput=tab is the default within a \psmatrix must be read shortput=tablr is the default within a \psmatrix * Page 28 : the precede it by {} must be read then precede it by {} * Page 29 : a fixed with must be read a fixed width * Page 29 : the c mnode (corresponding to \cnode) must be read the C mnode (corresponding to \Cnode) * Page 29 : use \multispan{int} must be read use \psspan{int}

local time: Sat Dec 21 18:05:04 CET 2024 ; file is: 810.069340277778 days old
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