PSTricks - Graphics for T<span class="e">e</span>X and L<span class="a">a</span>T<span class="e">e</span>X

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Extended translation of the the 5th edition


the 7th edition, total of 960 colored pages


2nd edition, 212 pages, includes 32 color pages










Articles |  Books |  Original Documentation | 

Complete PSTricks user guide: as one PDF (by Denis Girou -- no source available)
The original user guide with the quick reference (PDF) (source)
The PSTricks core by Timothy van Zandt
PSTricks - Grafik für TeX und LaTeX:
Members of DANTE go here
Others can order it by Lehmanns Bookstore
The source code of the examples is available as tarzip
PSTricks - Graphics for TeX and LaTeX:
Order it by UIT Publisher
The source code of the examples or as a tarzip
The PSTricks chapters of The LaTeX Graphics Companion, 2nd edition by Goossens, Mittelbach, Rahtz, Roegel, Voß Addison Wesley, 2007.
The Visual PSTricks by : by Jean Pierre Casteleyn.
The PSTricks workshop at TUG 2008: PDF and source by Boris Veytsman and Manjusha Joshi.
The PSTricks chapter of L'essentiel de Latex et Gnu-Emacs. Manuel de réalisation de documents scientifiques, by Dominique Rodriguez, Dunod, 2000. (in french).

dataplot-guide (The source)
PSTricks - mehr als ein alter Hut (DANTE 2004) (german - 17MByte)
The package pst-pdf: from PostScript to PDF
Three dimensional plots with pst-3dplot
Optische Darstellungen mit pst-optic (german)
Die mathematischen Funktionen von PostScript (pst-plot/german)
The plot functions of pst-plot (english) (german)
Axes in a 2D Coordinate System
Drawing Ellipses
Présentation de PSTricks by Denis Girou, Cahiers GUTenberg, number 16, April 1994, pages 21-70 (in french, but mainly with examples so readable by everybody).
Inside PSTricks by Timothy van Zandt and Denis Girou, TUG 94 (Santa Barbara, California, July 31 - August 4, 1994), TUGboat, Volume 15, number 3, September 94, pages 239-246 and 403.
Building high level objects in PSTricks by Denis Girou, TUG 95 (St Petersburg, Florida, July 24-28, 1995), 69 slides, 18 physical pages.
An Introduction to PSTricks by Sebastian Rahtz, Baskerville, Volume 6. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
3D examples
Create Trees and Figures in Graph Theory with PSTricks
Drawing Trees with pstricks
PSTricks quick reference card    (german)
The Docs from TUG India
Dots, Lines and Curves
Colors and Fillstyle
Curves, Curves, ...
More on coordinates
Placing things
Plotting tricks
Custom graphics
Tricks with text
Node Connections

Other (still in progress)
References for TeX and Friends
International Standard Paper Sizes

PSTricks pages on the Syracuse site by Jean-Michel Sarlat. Various examples and links (in french).
Using PSTricks with Textures by Michael Sharpe.

Gnuplot. 2D and 3D graphics which can, among many other formats, generate PSTricks code as output.

jPicEdt by Sylvain Reynal. An interactive picture editor which can, among other formats, generate PSTricks code as output.

PP3 by Torsten Bronger. Celestial chart generation.

ToutDoux by Philippe Roy. Project manager, which can, among other formats, generate PSTricks code as output. See also it page on SourceFORGE.

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