3D examples |
arccos(x) |
Axes |
Bessel curves |
Chirikov function |
Clipping math functions |
Cubic root |
Differential equations |
Discontinued plots |
filling areas between two curves |
Fixpoint |
Gaußcurve |
Grid -- redefinition |
Gridstyle |
Hyperbola |
Integer function |
Interrupted x-axis |
Introduction |
Iterated curves |
Label position |
Label step |
Lissajous figure |
ln(x) |
Logarithmic axes |
Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity probability |
Multiple axes |
Oscillator function |
Quantum harmonics oscillator |
Parabola |
Parametric plots |
Plot of arccos(x) |
Plot of arctan(x) |
Plot of sin(1/x) |
Plot of sin(x)/x) |
Polynomial function |
PostScript procedures |
Printing function values |
Quantum harmonics oscillator |
Random noise |
Reciprocal function |
Riemann function |
Root sqrt[3]{x} |
RPN-Expression converter |
Save calculated points in a file |
Simple Examples |
sin(1/x) |
sin(x)/x) |
sin function with a random noise |
shaded areas under a curve |
Special coordinates |
Step function (Riemann) |
tan(x) |
Tractrix curve |
Trigonometric labels |
Sometimes it may be useful to save every single (x|y) data record of an external file as a node
to draw lines or something else from point to point. The following example first saves all
points (plotpoints=20) of a circle in an external file data.ps . This is done by
PostScript(!), this is the reason why you have to run the PS-output once with ghostscript to
build this file. In a second run the document reads the data file, saves all data records as
nodes N<#>, plots it with the fileplot
macro. After that all nodes are just for fun connected by a line with each other.
The files needs the package pstricks-add for
the modulo function to draw all this lines:
| |


Polynomial |
(The zeros are calculated and marked by the macro)
The inverse function of tan(x) , the atan(x) , has the syntax
y=atan(nominator/demoninator) and the values are in the range of 0..360° .
This is in difference to the default definition of -90...+90° . The following example
shows a plot which uses this last definition (needs pstricks-add).
For the plot of a tan(x) go here
It is also possibe to get the same result with the \parametricplot macro, which
is shown in the above source file and pdf.
Maxwell-Boltzmann |
The file enclosed below plots the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity probability
distribution for a sample of gas at 300 K and molar mass 40 g/mol.
Clipping math functions |
sin with a random noise |
Special Grid |
Plotting math functions with pst-plot is given by the range xMin<x>xMax.
When there are y values out of the by pspicture defined area, then it is easier to clip the
plotting area instead of guessing the minimal and maximal useful x value. The example shows different
possibilities to clip the plotting area. |
Fixpoint |
There is also a macro \psFixpoint in the package pst-plot which allows
easier solution than these two ones which work with \multuido .