tlmgr: not verified: valid signature with expired key

Georg-Johann Lay avr at
Wed May 8 20:03:16 CEST 2024

Am 08.05.24 um 08:57 schrieb Norbert Preining:
> On Wed, 08 May 2024, Georg-Johann Lay wrote:
>> Would you explain what I have to do?
> Set your repository to the last TeX Live 2022 release tlnet:
> 	tlmgr option repository
> Update to the latest set of packages
> 	tlmgr update --self --all

Hi, Norbert,

Thank you for the instructions; I could install listofitems
now, and some more packages that were missing.  The 2-minute
latency that  observed with the server in Utah is also gone.

>> I am just trying to fix some Doxygen -> pdf build fails and am
>> not a TeX guy.
> That might not be fixed even when updating.

Indeed, but mow it finishes the preamble at least.

These are problems for another day, any presumably not
related to tlmgr.

Best regards,


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