Ghostscript new (minor) version

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at
Wed May 22 20:34:21 CEST 2024

Hi Martin,

> thank you for the heads up and for testing dvisvgm with the GS development version. I also performed some tests with it and can't find any issues at the moment either. However, dvisvgm uses setpagedevice in conjunction with /OutputDevice to extract bitmaps from PS/EPS files.
> According to the GS docs, this should lead to an error if the used devices are not specified with --permit-devices. But the GS development version of 10.4.0 still works as before without this command line parameter. Maybe -dNOSAFER disables the additional checks. I guess I need to investigate this in more detail.

Ken Sharp just answered a question on the gs-devel list (the quoted part is my original question):

> The original motivation was to pre-test the interaction of gs 10.04 with dvisvgm (a component of TeX distributions). dvisvgm calls libgs to process PS/EPS files; when extracting bitmaps from them, it uses setpagedevice in conjunction with /OutputDevice (and devices jpeg or png). Given libgs is called with -dDELAYSAFER, the changes in gs 10.04 shouldn't affect this functionality, I think.

Depends exactly what the sequence of events is, if you activate SAFER before executing a setpagedevice which changes /OutputDevice then that will fail, unless you add the specific device to the allowed list (or allow all with *).

If SAFER is never activated (in which case using -dNOSAFER would probably be clearer) or is activated after the OutputDevice is selected, then that won't be a problem.


(The gs-devel list is public, there used to be a list archive available online, same as for tex-live, but the gs folks never managed to put the web interface back online after the Ubuntu server on which the list runs updated mailman from version 2 to 3. So currently you can't find the above info online.)

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