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newmath.dtx patches

Last week Matthias already included support for the MathTime layout
in his newmath.dtx, even before I finished the virtual fonts and 
the correponding etx and mtx files.

I've noticed, however, that he forgot to add the size scaling code
from mathtime.sty (lots of \DeclareMathSizes) and the correponding
adjustments for the \delimiterfactor.

Some notes on the size scalings:  While mathptm goes 10/7.4/6 
in \normalsize, it goes 9/7/5, 8/6/5, 7/5/5, for smaller sizes.
In MathTime, however, the scaling is 10/7.6/6, 9/7.6/6, 8/6.8/6, 
and it never goes below 6pt, even for a 5pt typesize.  

For sizes below 10pt, e.g. \small and \footnotesize, the relative
size of first-level subscripts and superscripts is about 85% while
it is 76% at 10pt and goes down to 70% and 50% for the huge sizes.
I really wonder if there is a principle behind all this, or is it
just a set of good values derived by trial and error.

Other questions: 

- Should the mathpm, mathematica and mathtime sizes scalings 
  be made all the same, since they are all based on Times Italic?

- Should all layouts with nonstandard size scalings set 
  \delimiterfactor, so that \big remains \big and doesn't
  suddenly become \Big when switching the math layout?

Cheers, Ulrik.

*** tex/ORIG/newmath.dtx	Mon Jan 12 09:46:11 1998
--- tex/newmath.dtx	Wed Jan 21 00:57:35 1998
*** 1877,1884 ****
  % certainly wrong. But I can't figure out a different way to find out if
  % \cs{mathaccent} would treat \verb+#1+ as a single token or not.
! % Return 0, 1 or 2 as the value of \cs{count@} if the expansion of #1 consists
! % of zero, one or more tokens respectively.
  %    \begin{macrocode}
--- 1877,1884 ----
  % certainly wrong. But I can't figure out a different way to find out if
  % \cs{mathaccent} would treat \verb+#1+ as a single token or not.
! % Return 0, 1 or 2 as the value of \cs{count@} if the expansion of \verb+#1+ 
! % consists of zero, one or more tokens respectively.
  %    \begin{macrocode}
*** 3118,3123 ****
--- 3118,3159 ----
  \SetSymbolFont    {largesymbols} {heavy} {MXP}{mt}{ub}{n}
  \SetSymbolFont    {letters}      {heavy} {MSP}{mt}{ub}{n}
+ %    \end{macrocode}
+ %
+ % The following values are taken from the \Package{mathtime} package.
+ % Note that they differ from the values used in the \Package{mathptm}
+ % and Mathematica layouts despite the fact that the same Times-Italic
+ % font is used for the default Latin alphabet in all three cases.
+ %
+ %    \begin{macrocode}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{5}       {6}       {6}       {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{6}       {6}       {6}       {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{7}       {6.8}     {6}       {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{8}       {8}       {6.8}     {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{9}       {9}       {7.6}     {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xpt}   {\@xpt}   {7.6}     {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xipt}  {\@xipt}  {7.6}     {6}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xiipt} {\@xiipt} {9}       {7}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xivpt} {\@xivpt} {\@xipt}  {8}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xviipt}{\@xviipt}{\@xiipt} {9}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xxpt}  {\@xxpt}  {\@xivpt} {\@xpt}
+ \DeclareMathSizes{\@xxvpt} {\@xxvpt} {\@xviipt}{\@xiipt}
+ \def\defaultscriptratio{.76}
+ \def\defaultscriptscriptratio{.6}
+ %    \end{macrocode}
+ %
+ % As explained in a separate discussion paper, it seems to be necessary
+ % to adjust the default value of the \cs{delimiterfactor} to compensate
+ % for the increased relative size of first level subscripts. 
+ %
+ % The value of 865 for MathTime was chosen just small enough so that a
+ % simple expression like $x^2$ typeset in displaystyle will fit within
+ % \cs{big} delimiters and a displaystyle fraction with first level
+ % superscripts in the numerator will fit within \cs{bigg} delimiters.
+ % ($13.82\,\mathrm{pt} \cdot 865 = 11.95\,\mathrm{pt}$)
+ %
+ %    \begin{macrocode}
+ \delimiterfactor=865
  %    \end{macrocode}