PSTricks - Graphics for T<span class="e">e</span>X and L<span class="a">a</span>T<span class="e">e</span>X

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Extended translation of the the 5th edition


the 7th edition, total of 960 colored pages


2nd edition, 212 pages, includes 32 color pages










Adding two column values of data |  Automatic scaling |  Axes values |  Dataplot |  Different plotstyle |  Different data files for x/y |  Error plots |  fileplot |  "Grid" plot |  Interrupted x-axis |  Label plot |  Label step |  listplot |  logarithmic axes |  Multiple axes |  Plot only every nth data |  plotstyle |  Polar plot |  Read data and save it as nodes |  Special plots | 

special plot

Label plot Special plot
LabelPlot.png axes10.png

Special axes values
axes10.png exa006.png

Using x/y values from different data files


psplot2.png gridPlot.png
The plotstyle curve needs at least three data records to plot the values successfully. You'll get a problem when the data file has only two records. This example counts first the number of data records in the dat macro and then switches from plotstyle curve to line when only two data records are present.
You need package pstricks-add (>=1.30). This example plots the data records in a grid like order (matrix). First horizontal line is from P0 to P2 and the first vertical line is from P0 to P9 a.s.o:
 P9  P10 P11
 P6  P7  P8
 P3  P4  P5  
 P0  P1  P2

exa007-1.png exa007-2.png


The data file holds 1000 data records, but only every nth should be plotted. There is a new option step. This example shows two curves, the blue one shows every data record and the red one only every 50th record.
The option step is only valid for the \listplot macro, so that the datafile has to be read before by the \readdata macro.

You need the package pstricks-add.

listplot1.png plot16.png

In this example PSTricks does the right scaling for the axes.

In this example PSTricks does a multiple value plot, the right scaling for the axes and changes the order of the x values.
listplot2.png exa018.png

Logarithmic axes with zero x and y values using psgraph for different scaling
logplot0.png exa002.png exa002.png

Polar plotAdding two column values of data
demo16.png demo20.png

data-exa000.png data format:
60 21:53 45 16:35 25 11:24 10 8:00 60 18:36 45 12:06 
 25 12:05 10 24:41 60 33:13 45 33:46 25 39:52 10 39:16 
 60 34:25 45 37:10 25 40:22 10 39:39

local time: Thu Oct 17 04:44:10 CEST 2024 ; file is: 744.471331018519 days old
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